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发布时间:2019/1/7 15:23:57      点击次数:8



BLCY-H type train sampling system

产品概述/Product description




BLCY-H type train sampling device is a tralin for coal, minerals Sampling specialized machinery automation equipment, currently widely

USed ln meta Urq Ca,ChemlCa.C0al,ponS and Other a reaS

Mainly for train cars loaded bulk material sample collection, available at car dumper, rail scale with the operation Capab|e of continuous

sampling is completed. crushing. and dividing. set sample I expected a disposable back to the original car

Samping depth can achieve full acquIsition section, according to the design or the scope of any adjustments. high reliabiliW. strong


Sampling process n line with GB/T19494-2004 national standards

设备组成,Equipment components




BLCY-H type train sampling device is a train for coal. minerals Sampling specialized machinery automation equlipment. currently widely used ln metallurgical chemical coal ports and oth er areas

Mainly for train cars loaded bulk material sample collection, available at car dumper. rail scale with the operation Capable of continuous

sampling ls completed. crushing. and dividing, set sample l expected a disposable back to the onginal car

Sampling depth can achieve full acquisition section, according to the design or the scope of any adlustments, high reliabillity, strongrepresentation